Hitches & Wiring

Trailer Hitches & Installation

Your hitch is the critical tool between your vehicle and trailer. Whether you are mounting a bike rack, towing jet-skis with your Mercedes sedan or transporting specialty trailers across the country, RA HITCH’s top-of-the-line products and quality trailer hitch installation will help ensure your safety and give you peace of mind on the road. At RA HITCH, we are committed to providing you with the quality hitches and trailer hitch installation you deserve.

Our quality wiring and attention to detail makes us the best in the state. RA HITCH is an authorized dealer for the best products in the industry like CurtStealth HitchesEcoHitch and B&W Trailer Hitches.

Curt Trailer Hitch on Subaru Crosstrek
BW Trailer Hitches Logo
curt logo
Eco Hitch logo
stealth hitches logo
Chart showing the best wiring setup completed by RA Hitch

The Best Wiring

Before you can legally tow your trailer, you must have working trailer lights that are plugged into your vehicle and operating in sync with your vehicle’s lights. Not only will working taillights, brake lights and turn signals help you avoid a ticket, but more importantly, they also promote safe towing.

  • For the best protection, we use wire connector covers to protect the contacts from rust and corrosion.
  • To improve aesthetics, we utilize protection loom and zip ties so your vehicle has a clean look and helps your wiring to last for years.
  • We are your dependable source for all class I, II, III and IV trailer hitch installations and parts for every purpose.
Truck hauling UTV on trailer through mud
Curt trailer hitch connecting SUV to trailer
Zoomed image of a three-way BW Trailer Hitch

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